Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Research and Projects at TJ

I want to create a website (or even just a Google Doc) that includes all of the research/projects that are going on at TJ. That way, students can come up with new projects. They can also band together with people who share their interests, skills, and/or goals. They would be able to collaborate better. If an actual website was created, there could be forums on which students can communicate (that could just be a Facebook page for each tech lab).

I'm planning on going into the CS lab, so maybe my senior tech lab project could be the creation of the website I described above.

I want to create iOS applications for Intranet, and a desktop application for Intranet. Students can also created software to rival BlackBoard, Turnitin, WebAssign, LoggerPro, and grading systems. They can contribute to open-source communities such as SourceForge, Linux, Google Code, Intranet, TJ's websites, and TJ's computer systems (well, I suppose those aren't open-source). Students can design new hardware and software that can benefit all other students in all fields of study.

Daniel Perkes, SGA Communications Coordinator

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Today at Woodson High School, the FCPS Student Advisory Council chose next year's student representative to the FCPS school board. I believe that this is the fourth year that the position has existed, and three of those terms have been served by TJ students: Arvin Ahmadi (two terms, now at Colombia University) and Keegan Cotton (Class of 2011). I didn't win the election. I lost to one of the twelve or so other candidates. Eugene Coleman won the election, and I completely agree with the decision made the SAC. The election was very close and I had a fantastic time speaking and meeting people from all around the county. It was a truly rewarding experience and I hope to attend school board meetings and participate in the SAC in the future.

Daniel Perkes
Class of 2012
SGA Communications Coordinator for TJHSST, 2010-2011 school year