Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Research and Projects at TJ

I want to create a website (or even just a Google Doc) that includes all of the research/projects that are going on at TJ. That way, students can come up with new projects. They can also band together with people who share their interests, skills, and/or goals. They would be able to collaborate better. If an actual website was created, there could be forums on which students can communicate (that could just be a Facebook page for each tech lab).

I'm planning on going into the CS lab, so maybe my senior tech lab project could be the creation of the website I described above.

I want to create iOS applications for Intranet, and a desktop application for Intranet. Students can also created software to rival BlackBoard, Turnitin, WebAssign, LoggerPro, and grading systems. They can contribute to open-source communities such as SourceForge, Linux, Google Code, Intranet, TJ's websites, and TJ's computer systems (well, I suppose those aren't open-source). Students can design new hardware and software that can benefit all other students in all fields of study.

Daniel Perkes, SGA Communications Coordinator

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