Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Driverless Taxis

I love Engadget, a site that covers all kinds of gadget news, like these super-cool driverless taxis at London's Heathrow airport.

My Blog's Background

Do you have any suggestions for a background you'd like to see me use on this blog? Just let me know, and I'd be glad to consider it!

New York Times vs. other news sources

How do you think the New York Times (online or offline) compares to other news sources (on or offline). My dad says that the New York Times has been found to have a higher reading level than other newspapers. I tend to agree with this, and that's why it's one of the four pages I have set as my Firefox homepage, the other three being Pandora Internet Radio, Gmail, and Facebook.

My Screen-name

I would like to take a moment to explain to you the origin of my screen-name that I use for AIM, Twitter, YouTube, and a few other sites as well. I chose musicman0494 because I am a man (young man) who loves music, theatre, and performing. I was also born in April of 1994, so that’s how I chose the final numbers when musicman was already taken on AIM.

I’d be interested to hearing the explanations for your screen-names and Internet handles as well. Let me know!

The Word “Blog”

While writing my last blog post about healthcare, I noticed that Mozilla Firefox (or Blogger) thought that the word “blog” didn’t exist. This surprised me because I thought that an open source browser like Firefox, and/or a very Internet-savvy company like Google (which is a virtual staple of internet usage, as we all know) would correct a word that very much exemplifies the current role of the Internet in socialization, news distribution, and self-expression.

Health Care

I've heard a lot of the news and ideas that are currently circulating about health care, so I thought I'd write a small post on my new blog and see what you thought about it. I may also post some of my health care insurance ideas I have. To hear some of my ideas that I've already posted online in video form, check out my YouTube account. My username there, like on AIM and Twitter, is musicman0494. I look forward to having some conversation about health care!


Hello, and welcome to my blog. My name is Daniel Perkes and I live in the United States. I wonder how many people using Blogger live in the United States. If you have any idea, please let me know! My email address is danperkes@gmail.com, or you can chat with me on AIM. My screen-name is musicman0494.