Saturday, December 18, 2010

Collisions and Motion WebAssign

Will anyone help with WebAssign? I'm having trouble with #3. I don't want to have to complete this WebAssign before 10 PM tonight (that's when my flight leaves). I told Mr. Rose that I would be leaving on Friday night for my trip to South Africa, and luckily I have time to do the WebAssign because last night's flight was cancelled. I should not have to complete my WebAssign before 10 PM tonight. That's much less time than other students are being given. This WebAssign should be due at 11 PM the night before school starts again (after break).


British Airways cancelled our flight from DC to Johannesburg (stopping in London). They won't refund it unless we cancel our return flight. They should be able to give a refund or credit with the airline without canceling the return flight. There should be a law that requires airlines to give refunds or credits without canceling return flights. I've heard arguments like, "Oh, they treat it as one booking. That's why." I'm sorry, but that doesn't cut it. If you have to make your system work better to comply with that law, then a lot of good will have been done by the law, and a lot of computer programmers and engineers will have a good problem to work on: allowing airlines to keep track of flights, not trips. If I cancel one leg of my trip, I should not have to cancel the rest of it to receive a refund or credit with the airline.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

What's the Best Way to Create Music?

So, I think a good amount about the best way to write songs - sitting at a piano with blank sheet music is inefficient, and from the tiny bit of software I've used, it can't be that intuitive. What if you had some instrumentalists and singers walk into a room with a few video cameras and like 10 microphones and then just brainstorm some stuff on the spot? Then you'd have some awesome audio engineers tagging and organizing the footage and sound as it comes in, and you'd have computers transcribing it into music writing and film editing software. This way, the musicians wouldn't have to worry about writing the music down, and they wouldn't have to worry about sound quality, which mic to use, or what the lighting is like - they can just hang out and brainstorm some great stuff - what do you think?

Friday, January 1, 2010

A Great New Post

Well, we're here at the beginning of 2010, and I'm thinking that I don't really have much to write about, but I feel like that might not be true. My English teacher likes to point out that writing is a great way to bring forth ideas that might not have come to the conscious parts of our brains otherwise - that concept is more enjoyable to practice here than it is during school. Maybe I'm just rebellious.

As I said, I don't think I have too much to talk about in this blog post; I might just want to have a post dating later than November '09 - one feels a need to keep their blog updated, even though one doesn't have many followers or much of an audience other than oneself. That's alright, though - writing is nice.