Saturday, January 2, 2010

What's the Best Way to Create Music?

So, I think a good amount about the best way to write songs - sitting at a piano with blank sheet music is inefficient, and from the tiny bit of software I've used, it can't be that intuitive. What if you had some instrumentalists and singers walk into a room with a few video cameras and like 10 microphones and then just brainstorm some stuff on the spot? Then you'd have some awesome audio engineers tagging and organizing the footage and sound as it comes in, and you'd have computers transcribing it into music writing and film editing software. This way, the musicians wouldn't have to worry about writing the music down, and they wouldn't have to worry about sound quality, which mic to use, or what the lighting is like - they can just hang out and brainstorm some great stuff - what do you think?


  1. I agree... from what i've heard some of the best band music is created from brainstorming/improving sessions. But what about perfecting it? It's sorta like writing a rough draft, you don't always want to publish your first ideas. On a side note, this is cool! why did you decide to start a blog? ~ emily kelly

  2. I agree; music should be perfected and crafted before being presented to an audience, but I wanted to focus on the creation stage with my blog post. I even made a Facebook note to gather more comments.

    I decided to start my blog on August 18th, because automated publishing sites like Blogger allow us to create such beautiful and easy-to-navigate blogs.
